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Add Images, Videos & Style Your Text

Adding images and videos to your posts is a great way to grab readers’ attention. Writing a text post? You can style it too with bold, italics, quotes & more!

Looking for fresh design options? Then we’ve got you covered. Make each post look exactly the way you want by styling your text.

Images & Videos

You can also customize the look of your videos and images. Make them widescreen or small - whatever you prefer. You have complete control of how your post will look on desktop and mobile.

Paragraph Alignment

You can align your paragraphs left, right or center and place them to the right or left of your images.

Subtitles & Quotes

Add subtitles to let readers easily skim longer posts or quotes to make your main messages stand out


Rhett Blackwell


Mr. Blackwell is  the owner of Aquadoc Pool & Spa Care, LLC.  A leading pool cleaning company in Lancaster, Ca.  He became a Los Angeles County Swimming Pool Maintenaince Technician in 2014.  To find out more about the author click here.  If you would like to contact him go here.

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